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Showing items 150-170 of 765.

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Date of IssueTitle Authors
24-Jan-2013 Document Control Data Sheet
24-Jan-2013 Document Control Data Sheet
21-Nov-2006 Drilling for Polar Continental Ice-Cores Between Nunataks Veteheia and Tallaksenvarden in East AntarcticaChaturvedi, Arun; Singh, Amar; Beg, M.J.
3-Mar-2021 Ecobiological Studies of the Freshwater Lakes at Schirmacher Oasis, AntarcticaVerlecar, X. N.; Dhargalkar, V. K.; Matondkar, S. G. P.
22-Nov-2006 Ecological Study of Algal Flora of Schirmacher Oasis of AntarcticaSingh, S.C.
9-Oct-2019 Ecological Study of Southern Pole Bird Skua and Penguins During Indian Antarctic Scientific Expedition to AntarcticaSurvwade, Ashok
3-Mar-2021 Ecosystem Characterization in Indian Ocean Sector, AntarcticaMatondkar, S. G. Prabhu; Dhargalkar, V. K.; Parulekar, A. H.
15-Oct-2019 Effect of Antarctic Environment on Immune Response of Indian Expedition MembersMishra, K. P.; Yadav, Anand Prakash; Ganju, Lilly; Chanda, Sudipta
23-Jan-2013 Effect of Certain Established Ayurvedic Rasayan Food Supplements on Aging Process at Antarctica- A reviewBansal, Parveen; Sannd, Rajesh; Srikanth, N.; Lavekar, G. S.
22-Nov-2006 Effect of Cold, Isolation and Ultraviolet Radiation Stress on Human Immune SystemSingh, A.K.; Kausik, Vinod; Mathew, T. Lazar
24-Sep-2008 Effect of Cyanobacteria on Various Vegetables Grown ln AntarcticaARIF, MOHOMMAD; GUPTA, RAJAN K.; Biswas, V.R.; Joshi, M. C.
22-Nov-2006 Effect of stress on social behaviour of expedition members of ISEAMehta, Manju
24-Jan-2013 Effect of UV-B Radiations on the Pigment Concentrations of Three Antarctic Plant SpeciesSingh, Jaswant; Upretti, D. K.; Siingh, Devendraa; Sonbawne, Sunil M.
21-Nov-2006 Electrical Earthing and Electrostatic Protection at AntarcticaSarwade, R.N.; Dey, P.K.
24-Jan-2013 Electrical Structure beneath the Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica, from Magnetotelluric MeasurementsMurthy, D. N.; Veeraswamy, K.; Harinarayana, T.; Singh, Upendra Kumar
22-Nov-2006 ELF-VLF emission observed on the ground at Maitri, AntarcticaKumar, Sushil; Singh, Sunil K.; Gwal, A.K.
23-Nov-2006 Energy budget model based on albedo and Glacio-meterological parameters of different snow-ice media in Antarctica through ground based observations, 1997-98Mishra, V.D.; Singh, Amreek
3-Mar-2021 Engineering and Scientific Activities/ Studies in AntarcticaSivan, K. R.
23-Nov-2006 Engineering and scientific activities/studies in AntarcticaKumar, Piyush; Waghmare, R.N.
15-Oct-2019 Engineering & Logistic Activities of Twenty Eighth ISEAMALHOTRA, PRADIP
15-Nov-2006 Environmental & Biological Productivity Studies during Overwinterization (1986-87)Dhargalkar, Vinod K.
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