

Items for Author D., Jayapaul in All of DSpace

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Showing 6 items.

Date of IssueTitle Authors
13-Jul-2011 Geology and Geochemistry of Eastern part of Muhlig-Hofmann Fjella, Central Dronning Maud Land, East AntarcticaD'Souza, M. J.; D., Jayapaul; Dharwadkar, Amit
13-Jul-2011 Glaciomorphological Studies in Parts of Schirmacher Oasis, Central Dronning Maud Land, East AntarcticaD., Jayapaul; Dharwadkar, Amit
13-Jul-2011 Monitoring of Ice Bergs in Antarctic Waters During the Twentieth Indian Antarctica ExpeditionD., Jayapaul; D'Souza, M. J.; Dharwadkar, Amit
10-Oct-2019 Diary of Events, Highlights of AchievementsD., Jayapaul
10-Oct-2019 Technical Report of 26th Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica – An overviewD., Jayapaul
10-Oct-2019 Geology of the Gruber and Zweissel Granitoids, Central Dronning Maud Land, East AntarcticaDharwadkar, Amit; Nath, Ashish, K.; Shrivastava, Prakash K.; D., Jayapaul