

Items for Author Deb, N.C. in All of DSpace

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Showing 4 items.

Date of IssueTitle Authors
21-Nov-2006 Design and Development of Indigenous Shipborne Acoustic Sounder for Remote Sensing of the Abl over OceanDutta, H.N.; Deb, N.C.; Kaushik, A.K.; Dhillon, G.S.
21-Nov-2006 Warm Spell over Schirmacher Region of East Antarctica during February, 1996Deb, N.C.; Srivastava, M.K.; Singh, Risal; Pasricha, P.K.; Dutta, H.N.
21-Nov-2006 Role Stress Profiles of Scientists and Defence Personnel in Fifteenth Antarctic ExpeditionRoy, D.Dutta; Deb, N.C.
21-Nov-2006 A Note on Job Satisfaction Level of Scientists and Logistic Personnel in Antarctic ExpeditionRoy, D. Dutta; Deb, N.C.