

Items for Author Nijampurkar, V.N. in All of DSpace

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Showing 5 items.

Date of IssueTitle Authors
13-Nov-2006 Isotopic and TL studies of Antarctic ice samplesNijampurkar, V.N.; Bhandari, N.; Bhattacharya, S.K.; Rao, D.K.; Sen Gupta, D.; Raina, V.K.; Kaul, M.K.
14-Nov-2006 Oxygen Isotope Studies in AntarcticaNijampurkar, V.N.; Bhattacharya, S.K.; Mukerji, S.; Singh, R. K.; Srivastava, D.
14-Nov-2006 Polar Fallout of Radioisotopes 32Si, 7Be, 210Pb, 137Cs and 239Pu at Dakshin Gangotri, AntarcticaNijampurkar, V.N.; Rao, D.K.
14-Nov-2006 Glaciochemical Studies in AntarcticaNijampurkar, V.N.
14-Nov-2006 Radioactivity Studies in AntarcticaNijampurkar, V.N.; Rao, D.K.