

Items for Author Ravikant, V. in All of DSpace

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Showing 6 items.

Date of IssueTitle Authors
20-Nov-2006 Glaciological Studies in Schirmacher Hills and on Ice Shelf during- XIV Antarctic ExpeditionBejarniya, B.R.; Ravikant, V.; Kundu, Amitava
20-Nov-2006 Field Relations and Petrological Studies of Rocks from Conrad Mountains, Central Dronning Maud Land, East AntarcticaBejarniya, B.R.; Ravikant, V.; Kundu, Amitava
23-Nov-2006 The Geology of Filchnerfjella, Orvin Mountains, Central Dronning Maud land, East AntarcticaRavikant, V.; Jayapaul, D.; Asthana, Rajesh
23-Nov-2006 Monitoring of icebergs in Antarctic waters during the Sixteenth Indian Antarctic ExpeditionJayapaul, D.; Chaturvedi, A.; Ravikant, V.; Asthana, R.
24-Sep-2008 Geology of the Payer-Weyprecht Mountains, Central Dronning Maud Laud, East AntarcticaBejarniya, B. R.; Ravikant, V.; Mukerji, S.; Nautiyal, S.C.; Oberoi, L. K.; A. S. Gill
24-Jan-2013 Report on the Glaciological Studies Carried out during XXIII Indian Antarctic ExpeditionDharwadkar, Amit; Ravindra, Rasik; Jayapaul, D.; Jayaram, S.; Golani, P. R.; Ravikant, V.