

Items for Author Roy, Sandip Kumar in All of DSpace

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Showing 3 items.

Date of IssueTitle Authors
10-Oct-2019 Detailed Study of Schirmacher Mylonites To Determine Formation Time, Stress, Strain, Temperature Involved in their Formation As an Implication to Exhumation HistoryD'Souza, M.J.; Roy, Sandip Kumar; Swain, Ashit Kumar; Mandal, Amit
10-Oct-2019 Geological Studies in North Grovnes (Bharati Promontory) Larsemann Hills, East AntarcticaMandal, Amit; Roy, Sandip Kumar
10-Oct-2019 Glaciological Observations In and Around Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica during 27th Indian Antarctic ExpeditionSwain, Ashit Kumar; Roy, Sandip Kumar; Chaturvedi, Arun