

Items for Author Sunil, P. S. in All of DSpace

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Showing 3 items.

Date of IssueTitle Authors
10-Oct-2011 Application of Global Positioning System (GPS) for Glacier studies at Schirmacher oasis, East AntarcticaSunil, P. S.; Reddy, C. D.; Ponraj, M.; Dhar, Ajay
24-Jan-2013 GPS Derived Velocity Field and Strain Rates of Schirmacher Glacier East AntarcticaSunil, P. S.; Reddy, C. D.; Dhar, Ajay; Ponraj, M.; Sevaraj, C.; Jayapaul, D.
24-Jan-2013 Surface Ice Flow Velocity and Tide Retrieval of the Nivlisen Ice Shelf from GPS ObservationsSunil, P. S.; Reddy, C. D.; Dhar, Ajay; Pathan, B. M.; Elango, P.; Selvaraj, C.